Hastings Winkle Club gears up for summer season of fundraising

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Like so many charities and organisations, our historic Hastings Winkle Club is gearing up for what we hope will be a Summer Season of fundraising and a rich variety of events all linked to our core aim of helping local good causes.

On June 16 the club will be holding its Donations Evening at the East Hastings Sea Angling Association where 33 different local groups will collect a donation towards their recognised good work in our community. We know from the gratitude they show that the donations given really are much needed and appreciated.

On July 20, club chairman, Christian Burton, plus friends and club supporters will be taking up the challenge of a sponsored Cycle Ride from Brighton to Hastings. We wish them well and hope that they raise a useful sum for Winkle Club Good Causes.

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August brings the annual Old Town Carnival Week with all manner of events demonstrating the rich diversity of Hastings Old Town. As is traditional, the Winkle Club's contribution will include the ever popular ancient game of Winkle Tossing and our crazy golf/putting competition on Winkle Island and the Adventure Golf Courses respectively. (See Old Town Carnival Week Programme.) Let's hope for good weather this year!

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September 14/15 is the Cheese and Wine Festival weekend on the Stade Open Space and the Winkle Club is planning a 'fringe event' on Winkle Island - Rock-a-Nore Road. Our Arts & Entertainments Officer, Polo Piatti, is arranging musical performances. This will be a free event.

The club was also very pleased to hear the announcement of a new Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. His Majesty the King has appointed Admiral Sir George Zambellas to succeed the late Lord Boyce who was a Gold Winkle holder and Patron of our club. It has become a tradition that the Lord Warden assumes club patronage thus following in the footsteps of the late Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Sir Winston Churchill.

It is always amazing to think that our now 124 year-old Winkle Club was founded with the simple objective of raising money for Old Town Fishermen's Children to have a Christmas Party. Our club is really something special. Please support us whenever and however you can. Enjoy your summer!