Teenage girl bitten by 'out of control' dog in St Leonards

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A teenage girl was bitten by an ‘out of control’ dog in St Leonards, police said today (Wednesday, June 26).

Sussex Police has launched an investigation into the incident.

A police spokesperson said: “Police are appealing for information around reports of an out of control dog in St Leonards.

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“On Wednesday, May 29, a 14-year-old girl reported being bitten by a dog in Gensing Gardens, off Charles Road, at around 9.45am. She suffered a minor injury to her arm.


“The dog is described as being of a medium size, brown and white and a pitbull-type breed. It was on a rope lead and referred to by its owner as Panda.

“The owner is a described as a man in his 20s/30s, around 5ft 7ins tall, and slim.

“Police are keen to speak to the owner and anyone who has relevant information. Please call 101 or report online, quoting serial 752 of 29/05.”