He's back! Watch video of Sid the pilfering Sussex seagull in action

Sid the thieving Hastings seagull is back as a shopkeeper admits ‘He is driving me crazy.’

After pilfering numerous bags of crisps and a bag of jellybeans from Hastings Old Town shop Arkwhites - Sid is going nowhere. He was staking out the George Street shop again when it re-opened on Wednesday morning and back to his old tricks in no-time.

This time Sid turned his attention to packets of hand-wipes. Exasperated shop owner Alex White said: “Sid returned bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and was there to meet me when I opened up.

"He’s taken a liking to the hand-wipes – four packets for £1 – I bet they taste great.”

Later Alex said: I had to chase him off about 60 times. I may end up having to hire a minder.”

Observer photographer Justin Lycett popped down to the shop in pedestrianised George Street today and sure enough Sid did not disappoint. He showed up and promptly tore into a pilfered packet of crisps.

Alex said: “He’s quite clever really. He waits until the coast is clear then goes up to the food cages outside the shop. I am born and bred Hastings Old Town and seagulls are part of the Old Town but I have to stop him as I am trying to run a business. But he’s very crafty, very intelligent and I am never going to win.”Have you read? Sussex school’s decision to ban mobile phones meets with furious reaction from parents.