Hastings Pier lamp posts secure listed building consent

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A retrospective bid to erect lamp posts on Hastings Pier has been approved by town planners.

On Wednesday (June 5), Hastings Borough Council’s planning committee granted listed building consent to retain 52 “Victorian Style” lamp posts on the Grade II Listed pier

The application was retrospective as the lamp posts had already been erected. According to officers, the lamp posts were originally partly painted gold, but this element was removed before the application came to the committee.

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Officers had recommended approval on the grounds the lamp posts caused ‘less than substantial harm’ to the historic landmark and surrounding area. This view was not shared by objectors, who had criticised the appearance of the lamp posts and raised concerns about other unauthorised development on the pier.

Hastings Pier lamp posts. Pic: ContributedHastings Pier lamp posts. Pic: Contributed
Hastings Pier lamp posts. Pic: Contributed

However, the committee opted to grant the listed building consent in line with the officers’ recommendation.

Proposing approval, Cllr Matthew Beaver (Con) said: “I am glad the applicant has taken the gold [paint] off the top.”

He added: “I have to say I have passed the pier many times — walking, running, driving — and I can’t actually say I spotted them.

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“They haven’t been saying ‘oh my god, look at that’, they are just part of what the pier is. Historically there have been lamp posts on the pier, I see no problem with them going back.”

During the debate, councillors asked questions about the structural soundness of the lamp posts and whether they would result in light pollution. Officers advised these issues could not be considered as part of the listed building application, as it had a narrow focus on the impact of the scheme on the historic value of the pier.

However, councillors also heard how these issues will likely be aired in the near future as a linked planning application had now received enough objections to be called into the committee for debate.

As part of their decision, the committee also granted retrospective listed building consent for works to the pier’s structure. These are described as a lattice beam replacement and a new concrete jacket for a column.

For further information see application reference HS/LB/24/00047 on the Hastings Borough Council website.