Angry couple accuse council of 'ecological vandalism' after Horsham wildlife garden strimmed by contractors

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Angry Horsham homeowners are accusing grass-cutting contractors of ‘ecological vandalism’ after they strimmed a piece of their land being preserved as a wildlife haven.

Daniel and Alison Clement say that the piece of private land in Millais was mowed and strimmed without any authorisation from them.

“We are absolutely fuming and devastated that during the mowing of the public grass verges in our road that the contractors employed by West Sussex County Council have come along and destroyed the piece of land which we had let grow into a natural habitat for wildlife and to allow flora such as orchids and primroses to grow,” said Daniel.

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Alison added: “I’m absolutely horrified. I had a pyramid orchid in flower. Aside from the fact that they trespassed, they obviously have no knowledge of horticulture. We have been rewilding the area for a few years.”

A Horsham couple are furious after their 'wildlife garden' was strimmed by council grass mowing contractorsA Horsham couple are furious after their 'wildlife garden' was strimmed by council grass mowing contractors
A Horsham couple are furious after their 'wildlife garden' was strimmed by council grass mowing contractors

Daniel said that the county council promoted ‘preserving wildlife’ on its website. “It’s been completely ignored in this case, not that it should have any regard in this case as the patch of grass which is in question is on private property.”

The couple have complained to West Sussex County Council and have asked for a resolution “to restore our green habitat to what it was.”

The strimmed patch of land in Milllais, Horsham, that had been maintained as a wildlife havenThe strimmed patch of land in Milllais, Horsham, that had been maintained as a wildlife haven
The strimmed patch of land in Milllais, Horsham, that had been maintained as a wildlife haven

They added: “To say we are angry and feel powerless is an understatement.”

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A West Sussex County Council spokesperson said: “We have spoken to our grass cutting contractor and it has been ascertained that this was a case of human error.

"We have apologised to the homeowner and we are working with our grass cutting contractor to ensure it does not happen again.”