LETTER: Phased strategy is now needed

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Can HDC produce a meaningful strategy for the delivery of new homes for the next 20 years, when little is known about the factors that will determine how many homes are needed?

Factors like are we getting a second runway at Gatwick, what is happening with the Novartis site, where is the South East economy going and what will be the net migration of people into Sussex, are not known with any real degree of certainty at the moment.

Many residents want building on brown field and infill areas within the built up envelopes of their town, the surrounding villages and the hamlets, BEFORE consideration is given to concreting over their countryside .

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As the source for new homes from brown field and infill sites may be sufficient to meet the current government target for the first few years, would it not be sensible to have a two stage strategy.

The first stage of the planning strategy could use the data emerging from the Neighbourhood planning process and the SHLAA review to estimate the number of new homes that will be generated from all the identified brown field and in fill sites, to provide an estimate as to the year when stage two, that of identifying other larger sites, outside of the building envelopes, will be needed.

Delaying stage two of the Planning Strategy by a few years, has the following advantages;

The accuracy of the impact analysis, in terms of new homes needed as a result of the second runway at Gatwick, the state of the South East economy, net migration and other presently unknown factors will be improved.

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More planning time will be available for consultation with the residents and other neighbouring district councils, to determine where the green field site or sites (if needed ) should be.


Swallowfield Close, Mannings Heath

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