
Fairlight newsFairlight news
Fairlight news
Pews News: This Sunday, March 24, at 10.30 am, there will be a service of Morning Praise at St Andrew’s. The Crèche and Junior Church will both be available at this service. At Pett Methodist Chapel, the 10.45 am service will be conducted under Local Arrangements, which could easily be a lot of fun!

MOPPs today: Today, Friday, March 22, Keith Osbourne will be along with his Music for Health, always popular with the members and for lunch today, there’s beef and ale pie, and then Fairlight Mess to follow, possibly posher than Eton Mess! Next Friday, March 29, the entertainment will be by my favourite – Village Voices, the local choir, and then a slap-up lunch of sausages, baked beans and jacket potatoes, followed by trifle.

Your village still needs you!: No change here, then. The Parish Council will be in need of three, or possibly four, new Councillors from its AGM in May. If you might be tempted, but would like to know a bit more about what might be involved, you are invited to go along to the village hall at 6 pm next Tuesday, March 26 for a pre-meeting get together (prior to the regular PC meeting at 7 pm) when all the current councillors will be present to discuss and explain the ins and outs of this important village governance facility. When you have decided you’d like to be a part of the PC, nomination forms are available from our Parish Clerk, Mrs Pauline Collins, of Kerri, 35 Waites Lane, or call her on 07487 822729, or even email: [email protected]

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Did you miss out on your tickets?: Officially I’m told that the ‘Saturday Night at the Movies’ Quiz on Saturday, March 30,, in support of MOPPs and being run by Bob and Dec, is sold out. If you don’t believe me, just try to get some tickets at the Post Office, which could possibly have a couple of returns! If they do have them, they’ll only set you back £6 a head, which will include a light supper.

Royal British Legion secretary: It is understood that the local branch of the RBL has, indeed, found someone who is willing to take on the job of Hon Secretary, saving the day. More details will follow soon…

A Carers Group for Rye and surrounding areas: Do you, or does someone you know, support someone who couldn’t manage without that help? Care for the Carers charity holds a monthly carers’ group meeting at Rye Memorial Hospital, on the Peasmarsh Road on the outskirts of Rye. It’s from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm on 4th Thursday of each month. It’s completely free, facilitated by one of the charity’s carer support workers and you don’t need to register in advance – just turn up if you can make it. For more detailed information, call Care for the Carers on 01323 738390. For more general information the Care for the Carers website is at www.cftc.org.uk

Life on Mars: David Bowie would be pleased to learn that the new amateur radio club, Marsham Amateur Radio Society (MARS), formed in Fairlight, has now had its second meeting at The Club Hut on Wood Field. Many people have joined the club and there is much interest from those residing in the village. Contacts have been made using a Kenwood TS2000 Transceiver with a hand-made vertical antenna. Communications between the Society and radio amateurs in Portugal, the Ukraine as well as the UK have been logged. The club meets at The Hut on the second Saturday of every month from 1.30 until 3.30 pm and is open to anyone who wants to have a look, and have a go at talking to someone in another country. All three levels of the Radio Association examinations can be catered for if you would like to go down that route. Why not go along and have a chat and a cuppa? Contact Steve Stewart on 0758 130 5310 or email [email protected]

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Rye and District Dementia Action Alliance: There’s an open invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Rye and District Dementia Action Alliance on Wednesday, April 10, at the Tilling Green Community Centre, Mason Rd, Rye from 6.30 to 8 pm. There are to be information stands, and a speaker from Unicook, the stove guard experts. Refreshments will be provided. It would be appreciated if you could let Daliea Redman, the Chair, know you will be going, either by email to [email protected], or by calling 0773 735 0896. Stall holders should aim to arrive by 6 pm for setting up.

Summer Festival Weekend, June 28 to 30: A Grand Summer Festival will be held at St Andrew’s Church on the last weekend in June. The festival will celebrate the beautiful world around us here in Fairlight through the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, and will include flower displays and demonstrations, an art exhibition, creative crafts, photography, and a varied musical programme with local musicians, throughout the three days. The enormous and varies talents of the residents of Fairlight and friends from surrounding areas will be displayed. A particular highlight of the festival will be a BBQ on Saturday evening, followed by a musical extravaganza with Dr. David Flood, Musical Director at Canterbury Cathedral. Several people have already offered to display their art and crafts, and many items will be available for purchase. Imaginative activities are being planned for children, including a nature trail, and the festival will conclude with a special Songs of Praise on Sunday afternoon involving the pupils of Guestling School. There will be a Grand Draw with significant prizes, and throughout the festival there will be a range of culinary delights to taste and enjoy. It is hoped that as many people as possible from Fairlight and the surrounding areas will go along. Entrance to the festival will be free and donations will be welcomed to boost much needed funds to improve the access path to the church, particularly for disabled people, and to improve the lighting within this beautiful, historic church on the hill. The church tower will be open every day for those who want to enjoy the magnificent view from the top of this significant local landmark. Tickets for the Saturday concert and for the Grand Draw will be on sale after Easter.

If anyone would like to sponsor a flower display or contribute their culinary expertise for the refreshments the organisers would be delighted to hear from you, and if you have crafts that you wish to display please let them know. Sponsors and contributors will be acknowledged in the full programme of events which will be available nearer the time.

Please mark the dates in your diary so that you, your family and friends can be welcomed to the festival. If you are able to contribute to the festival in any way please contact Janet Walker, either by calling 815008, or by email to [email protected]

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