MAGAZINE: Wine expert Oz Clarke on a vineyard holiday with a difference

Oz Clarke talks about the US State of VirginiaOz Clarke talks about the US State of Virginia
Oz Clarke talks about the US State of Virginia
It may surprise some people to know of the close ties between the US state of Virginia and Britain. But in fact, the East Coast state was the first British settlement, and it has a rich history, from the first town, named after the King of England, Jamestown, to the story of Pocahontas and John Smith.

From a day at the beach, a spin on exhilarating roller coasters, to camping in the woods, Virginia has something for everyone, not to mention their delicious culinary fare – Virginia is famous for the hams and seafood. It is also one of the largest wine producing states in America and is even said to be the home of the peanut!

Wine expert Oz Clarke is a huge fan of the state’s wines and vineyards as well as the region as a tourist destination.

Watch the video where he talks about Virginia’s attractions and the vineyards that make it a must-visit spot for wine lovers.
