Police call for witnesses after 'suspicious incident' saw two girls approached by men in minivan multiple times

Police are appealing for witnesses.Police are appealing for witnesses.
Police are appealing for witnesses.
Officers are appealing for information after what is being described as a ‘suspicious incident’ by Police in Emsworth.

A spokesperson for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary wrote: “At some time between 5.40 pm and 6.40 pm on Saturday, 29 June two teenage girls were walking along Southleigh Road when they were approached by two men in a white Vauxhall Vivairo.”

The spokesperson for the Police also added that the men approached them a number of times in the area on Hollybank Lane, Tudor Avenue and Cumberland Avenue, and made comments towards them.

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The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary said the men are described as Asian, aged 30 to 40, with beards and wearing dark-coloured turbans.

The Police concluded by writing: “Were you in the area at the time? Did you see the men in the Vauxhall Vivairo? If you have any information please contact us online or in 101 quoting 44240274847.”