Crawley: Repeat sex offender jailed for breaching terms of Sexual Risk Order

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A repeat sex offender has been jailed for breaching the terms of a Sexual Risk Order in Crawley, Sussex Police have reported.

Police said Malak Siftul-Hassan, 32, of no fixed address, was given a Sexual Risk Order at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on January 4 after being investigated for the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl.

Sussex Police said the order prohibited Siftul-Hassan from doing a number of things, including being in the company of anyone under 18 without a parent or legal guardian and communicating – directly or indirectly – with a named 16-year-old girl.

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Police said Siftul-Hassan was seen to be in the company of the named teenager in Crawley town centre on the evening of March 8.

Malak Siftul-Hassan, 32, of no fixed address, was given a Sexual Risk Order at Brighton Magistrates’ Court in January after being investigated for the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl. Picture courtesy of Sussex PoliceMalak Siftul-Hassan, 32, of no fixed address, was given a Sexual Risk Order at Brighton Magistrates’ Court in January after being investigated for the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl. Picture courtesy of Sussex Police
Malak Siftul-Hassan, 32, of no fixed address, was given a Sexual Risk Order at Brighton Magistrates’ Court in January after being investigated for the sexual exploitation of a teenage girl. Picture courtesy of Sussex Police

He was arrested by Sussex Police the following evening and a search of his mobile phone found he had been communicating with her earlier that month.

Police said Siftul-Hassan was charged and subsequently convicted of twice being in breach of his Sexual Risk Order.

At Lewes Crown Court on June 10, Siftul-Hassan was jailed for 12 months.

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Detective Inspector Darren Taylor said: “Sussex Police is committed to protecting our communities from sexual offending and will use all the tools at our disposal to limit offenders’ ability to offend and ensure they face justice for their crimes.

“Malak Siftul-Hassan repeatedly breached a court order designed to protect a vulnerable child who he targeted multiple times.

“He has now been placed behind bars where he can cause no further harm to her or any other member of the public.

“This should send a clear message to other offenders that we will do everything in our power to hold you accountable for your crimes.”