Register now to ensure elections vote

Register now to vote in the European parliamentary electionsRegister now to vote in the European parliamentary elections
Register now to vote in the European parliamentary elections
RESIDENTS are being reminded to make sure they are on the electoral register, ahead of elections in May.

People across the area are asked to check the electoral register and councils point out it is important for residents to register, whether or not they choose to vote.

If anyone has recently moved to the district, or has just turned 18, there is still time to get on to the register in time for the elections on May 22.

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There will be elections to the European Parliament in all districts on that date, as well as council elections in the Adur district. The Horsham district council and parish council elections do not take place until next year, on May 7, 2015.

Visit or to find out more about the elections and how to register.

In the European parliamentary elections, the UK elects 73 MEPs and they are elected by proportional representation in each of the 12 parliamentary regions of the UK.

Current MEPs in the south east are Conservatives Daniel Hannan, Richard Ashworth, Njri Deva, James Elles and Marta Andreasen; UKIP’s Nigel Farage; Liberal Democrats Sharon Bowles and Catherine Bearder; the Green Party’s Keith Taylor and the Labour Party’s Peter Skinner.

More information about the candidates for 2014 can be found at